Our Fringe By The Sea volunteers are an essential part of the festival’s smooth operations and bring with them a huge dose of warmth, energy and enthusiasm!
Our volunteer programme is flexible and open to all. It’s a great way of getting involved in the local community and meeting people, especially if you’re new to the area. Previous volunteers (many of whom return year on year) say they like to feel they play a worthwhile role in making it all happen and have fun while doing so.
Volunteers help the FBTS team with a range of tasks from running our box office, welcoming visitors, managing ticketing, setting up for events, accessibility plus much more. We have tasks to suit all so if heavy lifting or standing around is not your thing, don’t worry – we’ll find you another job!
Volunteers work on a rota, covering four-hour shifts. We ask that you commit to a minimum of two, four-hour shifts over the festival period, which in 2022 is 5th – 14th August. There will also be a pre-event briefing to attend. If you are interested in volunteering please contact volunteers@fringebythesea.com by 1st June 2022.
Our volunteers are not paid but we do offer a fetching FBTS t-shirt, free access to non-sold-out events and discounted tickets.
You can read more about our volunteer policy here.
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